Riello UPS Spa

Riello UPS Spa

Sentryum Riello UPS - Video


- Extensive range of solutions
- Compactness
- Efficiency up to 96.5%
- High power availability
- Smart battery management
- Maximum reliability
- Flexibility of use
- Graphic touch screen display

Sentryum is a true online double-conversion UPS system providing the very highest levels of power availability, flexibility and unrivalled energy efficiency with superior performance for any small Data Centre and mission critical applications. It is rated at power factor 1.

Sentryum provides the solution to installation problems in systems where the power supply has limited power available, when the UPS is supported by a generator or where there are compatibility problems with loads that generate harmonic currents.

More info https://www.riello-ups.com/products/1-ups/130-sentryum

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