Calmet sp. z o.o.

Calmet sp. z o.o.

TE30 Energy Meter Error Recording - Video

TE30 Three Phase Portable Working Standard, Network Analyser and Instrument Transformers Tester

TE30 Portable Working Standard and Analyser is a portable, multifunction electronic device and circuit tester with class 0.05% or 0.1%.
TE30 Portable Working Standard and Analyser can measure:
- voltage in range 0.05 - 300V or 0.05 - 600V (direct measurement) ,
- primary voltage in range to 40kV with VoltLiteWire sensors,
- current in range from 0.001 - 12A (direct measurement), in range to 10A with current clamps CT10AC, in range to 100A with current clamps CT100AC, in range to 1000A with current clamps CT1000AC, in range to 3000A with current CT3000AC clamps and in ranges to 30A/300A/3000A with current flexible clamps,
- primary current range to 2000A up to 40kV with AmpLiteWire sensors,
- phase angle, power factor (cos phi), reactive factor (sin phi), tg phi and angles between voltages,
- frequency in range 40 to 70Hz,
- active, reactive and apparent power and energy in four quadrants,
- maximum demand energy,
- harmonics in voltage, current, active and reactive powers up to 63rd,
- real time network parameters.

TE30 Portable Working Standard and Analyser is used for:
- testing of electricity meters directly on site,
- measure and recording of three phase power network parameters with digital and oscilloscope display,
- verification of power network wiring with measure and recording of power network parameters,
- testing of LV and MV current CT and potential PT transformers simultaneously in three phases directly on site,
- measuring of power quality parameters according to IEC 61000-4-30 class A.

Results of measuring and testing can be:
- displayed on large 7' graphic colour Touchscreen with display and keyboard functions,
- visualized in form of table, vectors, trend chart, oscilloscope (waveform) or bar chart (harmonics of U, I, P, Q),
- visualised actual measured values on PC screen,
- stored in memory up to 32GB with possibility of reading and analysing by TE30 PC soft or displaying on Touchscreen,
- printed by miniature thermal printer with Bluetooth.

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