We Generating Inc. Solutions: Data Centers Cooling And Energy Generating - Video
For more information about cooling and energy generating for Data Centers, visit: http://wegenerating.com
«Water and Energy Generating Inc.» has a breakthrough solution, based on an innovative thermodynamic cycle and it converts waste thermal energy from data centers and PV farms into cooling and electricity.
We are developing industrial Plants that produce electricity and cooling from ultralow potential waste heat, operate 24 hours a day, round a year and provide cooling for data centers and PV farms.
Its working range starts at + 68 F0 or + 20 C 0. For 24 hours a day heat transfer fluid is warmed by the heat absorbers, PV panels and Data center's heat exchangers. Then, it is forwarded to heat engine to produce cooling and electricity. The heat transfer fluid is pumped into the evaporator, then the vapor is expanded across the separator to a generator to produce power. Next, the vapor goes into a cooler. After that, a condenser cools it back to a cold liquid state which finally returns to the evaporator. Cold transfer fluid is fed from the cooler into Data center and PV farm to support their normal operations.
- The efficiency of the PV panels are increased by 40-60% and the total generation of energy from this plot of land increases 2-3 times
- The cost of the Data Center for cooling is reduced by 3-4 times
- Cooling and power can be generated PERMANENTLY, all day and all night throughout the year.
- Cooling and power from waste heat are completely renewable, sustainable and unlimited resources.
- The process provides locally distributed and off grid decentralized cooling and energy generation.
Link to this video: https://youtu.be/_BR64e5ffbA
«Water and Energy Generating Inc.» has a breakthrough solution, based on an innovative thermodynamic cycle and it converts waste thermal energy from data centers and PV farms into cooling and electricity.
We are developing industrial Plants that produce electricity and cooling from ultralow potential waste heat, operate 24 hours a day, round a year and provide cooling for data centers and PV farms.
Its working range starts at + 68 F0 or + 20 C 0. For 24 hours a day heat transfer fluid is warmed by the heat absorbers, PV panels and Data center's heat exchangers. Then, it is forwarded to heat engine to produce cooling and electricity. The heat transfer fluid is pumped into the evaporator, then the vapor is expanded across the separator to a generator to produce power. Next, the vapor goes into a cooler. After that, a condenser cools it back to a cold liquid state which finally returns to the evaporator. Cold transfer fluid is fed from the cooler into Data center and PV farm to support their normal operations.
- The efficiency of the PV panels are increased by 40-60% and the total generation of energy from this plot of land increases 2-3 times
- The cost of the Data Center for cooling is reduced by 3-4 times
- Cooling and power can be generated PERMANENTLY, all day and all night throughout the year.
- Cooling and power from waste heat are completely renewable, sustainable and unlimited resources.
- The process provides locally distributed and off grid decentralized cooling and energy generation.
Link to this video: https://youtu.be/_BR64e5ffbA
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