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Waste-To-Energy Suppliers For Demolition And Remediation

2 companies found
  • Bateman Manufacturing
    based in Oro-Medonte, ONTARIO (CANADA)

    Established in 1989 in Barrie, Ontario, BATEMAN moved to Orillia, Ontario in 2002 due to an increase in demand & product. In 2011, BATEMAN once again moved to a 35,000 sq. ft. facility in Oro-Medonte, Ontario in response to another increase in ...

  • Kiverco Recycling Systems Ltd.
    based in Dungannon, NORTHERN IRELAND

    Kiverco has designed, manufactured and installed recycling plants for diverse sectors and waste streams including construction & demolition; commercial and industrial; municipal solid waste; energy from waste; incinerator bottom ash; dry mixed ...

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