Wind Energy Product Applications In Asia & Middle East

33 applications found
  • Premium

    Applications in Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy

    Accurate Wind Resource Assessment. Power Performance Verification. Bankable Data to Reduce Fund Risk. Power Curve Assessment and Prediction. Turbine Efficiency Evaluation. Turbine Wake Detection. Wind Farm Control and Optimization. Wind ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Lidar Wind Speed for Wind Resource Assessment

    The Lidar Wind Speed is already widely used in all phases of a wind project. The Lidar technology has made significant progress in the last decade in becoming a widely accepted source of accurate data to support resource assessment and thus, wind farm developments. The remote sensing lidars are embraced because the measurement data is accurate, reliable and bankable. The deployment and maintenance is easy and of low cost, popular in different application scenarios, especially when applied in wind industry for wind ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Lidar Powers Wind Energy in Offshore Projects

    The Lidar technology becomes indispensable in the development of wind energy projects, especially when it expands from onshore to offshore. The wind measurement solution by lidars is more cost-saving and feasible. The offshore lidar wind energy is under fast development with the achievements of lidar technology. The wind energy Lidars not only output wind speed, wind direction and turbulence intensity. Its precise and reliable wind data output reduces measurement uncertainty and meet the requirements to create a ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Wind power solutions for network wind measurement in complex mountains sector

    Programme overview: The conventional wind profile monitoring is mainly based on multi beam inversion calculation. The premise of measurement is that the horizontal wind field is uniform, while the horizontal wind field on the underlying surface of mountainous and urban complex terrain is uneven, especially near the ground. Therefore, in the detection of complex underlying surface, complex algorithm is often used to eliminate the turbulent data. However, the virtual tower (VT) technology, based on the cooperative ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Wind power solutions for complex terrain wind shear analysis sector

    Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • VOC abatement equipments for power generation & distribution

    Create more efficient power ...

    By Munters Office in Beijing, CHINA.

  • Noise monitoring for wind farm monitoring

    Wind farms must be developed in such a way that they become a part of the environmental lanscape. To this end, public authorities use standards and regulations to impose limits on the noise levels generated by such ...

    By ACOEM GROUP Office in Shah Alam, MALAYSIA.

  • Noise and vibration pollution control for wind power industry

    As a major source of renewable energy, wind turbines are continuing to experience exponential growth, with a production capacity that is doubling every three years. Reliability and the optimisation of maintenance have become major economic challenges for wind turbine ...

    By ACOEM GROUP Office in Shah Alam, MALAYSIA.

  • Cast iron casting solutions for wind power industry

    Cast iron casting solutions for wind power ...

    By Calmet Office in Kangqia, CHINA.

  • Individual & Module Filters for Tubing Systems

    Our experienced team can provide expert advice on all aspects of air extraction and filtration systems, including what type of ducting is best for specific installations. So what is the optimum solution? The one that does what it is supposed to do – all the ...

    By Bristol Filter Deutschland GmbH Distributor in , CHINA.

  • Unmanned surface vehicle solutions for offshore wind farm

    The use of a USV can assist in surveying a wind farm to obtain sufficient and reliable information on the nature of the seabed to permit a safe and economic design, the installation and maintenance, which helps developers achieve minimum investments and the highest efficiency. ...

    By OceanAlpha Group Ltd. based in Wan Chai, CHINA.

  • Industrial gas detection solutions for wind turbines / power generation industry

    DOD Technologies provides products in various applications that utilize, manufacture, or expel toxic, corrosive, and combustible gases. However, we also provide solutions outside of gas detection. Wind turbines utilize large blades propelled by the wind to generate renewable energy. One major challenge with wind is that it doesn’t come from the same direction every day. Therefore, wind turbines are fixed to rotating head that can optimize the collection of wind energy. This rotating head utilizes bearings to ...

    By DOD Technologies Inc Distributor in , INDIA.

  • Groundbreaking Direct Hydraulic Drive Technology for Renewable Energies

    CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION. Renewable energy is collected from resources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. In order to meet increasing worldwide demand for energy, it is necessary to harness energy from renewable sources in order to provide ecologically and economically sustainable and efficient methods of power generation. From production machinery for solar panels to the ...

    By Hägglunds Office in Pune, INDIA.

  • Automatic fire detection and suppression solutions for wind turbine industry

    Ensure your power generation equipment is protected from the dangers of flammable oils, hydraulic fluids, and short-circuits. Unlike buildings or industrial equipment, wind turbines can be very difficult to protect with traditional fire safety systems. Because wind turbines operate remotely, fires can go undetected. That means a fire extinguisher is not a viable option. Sprinkler systems don't make sense either, because they require a water source. Wind turbine fire suppression systems from Firetrace provide a ...

    By Firetrace International LLC Office in Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.

  • Transformers and Inductors for Photovoltaics & Energy Storage

    With the rapid development of new energy development, energy storage systems, as an important supporting technology for the development of new energy, have attracted more and more attention from the international community. Energy storage technology has superior functions. It can realize the optimal allocation of new energy and traditional energy, improve the quality of energy supply, and promote the sustainable development of energy. It can also alleviate the pressure on the power grid, improve peak and valley ...

    By Maike Magnetics Co.,Ltd based in Mianyang City, CHINA.

  • wind turbine brake - yaw brake

    Yaw brake is mostly installed on yawing mechanisms of wind turbines, to realize the following functions such as yaw damping, anchoring and cable ...

    By Jiangxi Huawu Brake Co., Ltd. based in Fengcheng City, CHINA.

  • Power plant

    coal/oil/gas fired, combined cycle, biomass, wind, solar(PV&CSP), geothermal, waste to energy, ...

    By Runh Power Co.,Ltd based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • 3kw Vertical Tubular Hydro Turbine

    Type GD-LZ-12-3KW Vertical Tubular Turbine Rated Head 11m Rated Flow 45 l/s Power 3 KW Efficiency ...

    By Smart Energy Corporation based in Nort Dist, TAIWAN.

  • Software Solutions for Energy & Renewable

    The Energy transition is inevitable. The emissions of greenhouse gases keep on rising, even though the effects of global warming are evident and the Paris agreement urged to reduce the emissions. If we, which means everybody, do not contribute to the reduction, already in the short term, environmental problems will be severe. Energy & Renewable helps protect the environment and brings both society and industry closer to the goal of achieving sustainability. We provide solutions for renewable energy ...

    By Hint Europe BV Office in Manama, BAHRAIN.

  • Solutions for offshore platforms sector

    Offshore Oil & Gas Platform Integration. Our deep water application device, called ogWAVE™, is capable of connecting with oil and gas platforms as well as installations in more remote areas. Almost all offshore oil and gas wells face severe challenges associated with the remote and isolated nature of the exploration locations. One such challenge is the supply of electrical power to support exploration activities in oil and gas ...

    By Aquanet Power Office in Wanchai, CHINA.

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