Wind Energy Product Applications In Europe

56 applications found
  • Individual & Module Filters for Tubing Systems

    Our experienced team can provide expert advice on all aspects of air extraction and filtration systems, including what type of ducting is best for specific installations. So what is the optimum solution? The one that does what it is supposed to do – all the ...

    By Bristol Filter Deutschland GmbH based in Dombühl, GERMANY.

  • Ammonit Wind Ressource Assessment Systems

    Prior to setting up a wind farm, the local wind conditions have to be measured for site assessment. The construction of a profitable wind farm demand the most accurate and reliable wind measurement technology. The installed equipment has to perform as precisely as possible as the data quality is essential for designing a reliable and economical wind farm. A small discrepancy in the evaluation of wind speed data drastically multiplies the discrepancy of the calculated wind power. Wind resource assessment systems ...

    By Ammonit Measurement GmbH based in Berlin, GERMANY.

  • Unmanned surface vehicle solutions for offshore wind farm

    The use of a USV can assist in surveying a wind farm to obtain sufficient and reliable information on the nature of the seabed to permit a safe and economic design, the installation and maintenance, which helps developers achieve minimum investments and the highest efficiency. ...

    By OceanAlpha Group Ltd. Distributor in , UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Industrial gas detection solutions for wind turbines / power generation industry

    DOD Technologies provides products in various applications that utilize, manufacture, or expel toxic, corrosive, and combustible gases. However, we also provide solutions outside of gas detection. Wind turbines utilize large blades propelled by the wind to generate renewable energy. One major challenge with wind is that it doesn’t come from the same direction every day. Therefore, wind turbines are fixed to rotating head that can optimize the collection of wind energy. This rotating head utilizes bearings to ...

    By DOD Technologies Inc Distributor in Birkenhead, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Robotic Technology for Offshore Wind & Renewables

    ULC Robotics supports the wind and renewable energy market through the application of our advanced robotic and aerial technology across solar and wind energy, both on- and off-shore. By developing and implementing robotic systems, AI and Machine Learning models and other technologies, we are able to provide enhanced data analytics for improved reliability and lower ...

    By ULC Technologies, LLC, part of SPX Technologies Office in , UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Groundbreaking Direct Hydraulic Drive Technology for Renewable Energies

    CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION. Renewable energy is collected from resources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. In order to meet increasing worldwide demand for energy, it is necessary to harness energy from renewable sources in order to provide ecologically and economically sustainable and efficient methods of power generation. From production machinery for solar panels to the ...

    By Hägglunds Office in Älvsjö, SWEDEN.

  • Automatic fire detection and suppression solutions for wind turbine industry

    Ensure your power generation equipment is protected from the dangers of flammable oils, hydraulic fluids, and short-circuits. Unlike buildings or industrial equipment, wind turbines can be very difficult to protect with traditional fire safety systems. Because wind turbines operate remotely, fires can go undetected. That means a fire extinguisher is not a viable option. Sprinkler systems don't make sense either, because they require a water source. Wind turbine fire suppression systems from Firetrace provide a ...

    By Firetrace International LLC Office in Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Plasma Technology for Decarbonising Industrial Processes

    High-temperature, high-power plasma torch technology can significantly assist in decarbonising industrial processes in several ...

    By Tetronics Technologies Limited based in Swindon, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Double Axis Tracking Solar System for Wind

    It’s a patent registered in several countries, that involves the combination of wind and solar energy in the Agrovoltaico® system, allowing a decrease of the energy withdrawal from the ...

    By Rem Tec S.R.L. based in Asola (Mantova), ITALY.

  • VOC abatement equipments for power generation & distribution

    Create more efficient power ...

    By Munters Office in Wyboston, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Noise monitoring for wind farm monitoring

    Wind farms must be developed in such a way that they become a part of the environmental lanscape. To this end, public authorities use standards and regulations to impose limits on the noise levels generated by such ...

    By ACOEM GROUP Office in Tewkesbury, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Creating practical composite solutions for Renewables industry

    Our work with specialist partners in the design and installation of wave and tidal research facilities, Edinburgh Design, has meant that we have been involved in the prototyping of many exciting new developments in the marine renewable ...

    By Shetland Composites based in Lerwick, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Floating Cover – Biogas/Agriculture

    The Hexa-Cover Floating Cover is the optimum solution as a covering for almost any form of surface liquid, in i.e.: Biogas plants Biogas plants, Slurry tanks Slurry tanks for primarily pigs (but also cattle and poultry) for eliminating odor and emission ...

    By Hexa-Cover A/S based in Thisted, DENMARK.

  • Ammonit Wind Resource Assessment in Cold Climates

    For wind resource assessment campaigns in regions with long and cold winters, special measurement systems have to be designed. The challenges of cold climate regions should never be underestimated. Particularly icing is a problem. The met mast construction and the installed sensors have to be chosen carefully. The instruments have to be properly heated by a reliable power system. With our long-term experience in wind measurement and our local installation partners we can offer complete measurement systems ...

    By Ammonit Measurement GmbH based in Berlin, GERMANY.

  • Noise and vibration pollution control for wind power industry

    As a major source of renewable energy, wind turbines are continuing to experience exponential growth, with a production capacity that is doubling every three years. Reliability and the optimisation of maintenance have become major economic challenges for wind turbine ...

    By ACOEM GROUP Office in Tewkesbury, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Restricting Birds and Wildlife -

    Prevent birds and wildlife from entering dangerous areas, as well as preventing mess and liabilities from animal mess. Bird-X products reduce and eliminate birds and wildlife from entering unwanted or dangerous areas for the good of all parties involved. Birds and animals are not harmed by Bird-X products - which are designed to make areas uncomfortable and unwelcoming to animals, forcing them to go elsewhere. Bird-X products have been developed since 1964, hold an excellent BBB rating, and we offer GSA Advantage. ...

    By Bird-X Inc. Office in Littlehampton, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • AssetCare - Asset Management Platform Software for Connected Wind

    AssetCare™ uses AI and analytics to optimize both performance and Operations & Maintenance management to deliver increased production at a lower cost. We analyze every aspect of the health and performance of your turbines, predicting potential failures, and identifying enhancement ...

    By mCloud Technologies Corp. Office in London, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Solutions for vanadium market sector

    Vanadium and primary uses: Vanadium is a chemical element with symbol V and atomic number 23. It is a hard, silvery grey, ductile and malleable transition metal. The element is found only in chemically combined form in nature, but once isolated artificially, the formation of an oxide layer stabilizes the free metal somewhat against further oxidation. It is currently used mainly as an additive to steel to give greater tensile strength and corrosion resistance. Two pounds of vanadium added to a tonne of steel almost ...

    By Ferro-Alloy Resources Group based in Guernsey, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Underwater robotics for Offshore wind turbines industry

    As all offshore structures, offshore wind turbines will be exposed to marine growth, coating damages, corrosion in the splash zone and material fatigue. Repair of these structures must be done on location. Kongsberg Ferrotech’s unique robotics enables continuous inspection, maintenance, and repairs of these structures, both above and below the waterline. ...

    By Kongsberg Ferrotech based in Kongsberg, NORWAY.

  • Wind Lidar for Site Calibration to IEC 61400-12-1: 2017 Annex C

    Perform a site calibration prior to wind farm construction with a short met mast combined with a more flexible, mobile measurement ...

    By ZX Lidars based in Hollybush, UNITED KINGDOM.

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