Wind Farm Books

12 books found
  • The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy

    The energy transition is here. As fossil fuel resources shrink, as air pollution worsens, and as concerns about climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, oil, and natural gas, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind ...

  • Wind Energy M&A Report 2010: Value Drivers and Acquisition Multiples for European & North American Wind Transactions

    This report focuses on analyzing transaction multiples, based on public & proprietary databases. Unlike classic market research or general reports on M&A activity in the wind market, it aims to: · Provide Wind Players with reliable benchmarks for valuing wind farms and portfolios, in tandem with other valuation methodologies (DCF, etc.). · Segment transaction multiples for wind farms or ...

  • Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Due to the mounting demand for energy and increasing population of the world, switching from nonrenewable fossil fuels to other energy sources is not an option—it is a necessity. Focusing on a cost-effective option for the generation of electricity, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers all facets of wind energy and wind turbines. The book begins by outlining the history of ...

  • Physical Approach to Short-Term Wind Power Prediction

    The effective integration of wind energy into the overall electricity supply is a technical and economical challenge because the availability of wind power is determined by fluctuating meteorological conditions. This book offers an approach to the ultimate goal of the short-term prediction of the power output of winds farms. Starting from basic aspects of atmospheric fluid dynamics, the authors ...

  • Wind Turbines

    Wind Turbines addresses all those professionally involved in research, development, manufacture and operation of wind turbines. It provides a cross-disciplinary overview of modern wind turbine technology and an orientation in the associated technical, economic and environmental fields. It is based on the author's experience gained over decades designing wind energy converters with a major ...

  • Submarine Power Cables

    The demand for high-performance submarine power cables is increasing as more and more offshore wind parks are installed, and the national electric grids are interconnected. Submarine power cables are installed for the highest voltages and power to transport electric energy under the sea between islands, countries and even continents. The installation and operation of submarine power cables is ...

  • Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power Generation

    This book deals with the electronics of Wind-Energy systems and their implementation into the grid. Starting from an overview on energy conversion and general concepts for Wind Energy systems, the concept, design and control of the electrical components are treated: generators, converters and storage devices. Much attention is spent on the implementation of Wind turbines and the requirements for ...

  • Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth

    For the first time since the oil age began, the world has the technology to wean itself from petroleum coming from the politically volatile Middle East. A combination of wind turbines, solar cells, hydrogen generators, and fuel cell engines offers not only energy independence, but an alternative to climate-disrupting fossil fuels. The global economy is out of sync with the earth's ecosystem, as ...

  • Stability Augmentation of a Grid-connected Wind Farm

    Stability Augmentation of a Grid-connected Wind Farm introduces a comprehensive approach to stabilizing the power output from wind farms, covering both fixed and variable speed wind turbine generator systems. The book presents the different tools suitable for application in wind farms, together with modeling and control strategies. The book reports on output power and terminal voltage fluctuation ...

  • Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

    Our global civilization today is on an economic path that is environmentally unsustainable, a path that is leading us toward economic decline and eventual collapse. Environmental scientists have been saying for some time that the global economy is being slowly undermined by environmental trends of human origin, including shrinking forests, expanding deserts, falling water tables, eroding soils, ...

  • The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy

    The energy transition is here. As fossil fuel resources shrink, as air pollution worsens, and as concerns about climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, oil, and natural gas, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind ...

  • PLAN B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

    Experts were “stunned” this past summer by the loss of Arctic sea ice. An area almost twice the size of Britain disappeared in a single week. The Greenland ice cap is melting so fast that it is triggering minor earthquakes as pieces of ice weighing several billion tons break off the ice sheet and slide into the sea. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is also melting faster than predicted. ...

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