Wind Farm Videos
W2E 3.X MW Wind Turbine Model With Winergy Medium-Speed Hybriddrive - Video
A joint effort between four German companies: wind turbine design consultancy W2E Wind to Energy GmbH, wind turbine OEM Fuhrländer AG and Siemens AG / Winergy AG as key component suppliers, W2E's 3.x MW wind turbine platform deploys Winergy's medium-speed HybridDrive. For the purpose of DNV-GL testing, W2E installed and commissioned two W2E-120/3.0fc HybridDrive models in Nov. 2013 and Oct. ...
The power of the wind - Video
Tomorrow's energy supply is one of today's greatest challenges. We harness the power of the wind along the entire value chain: From planning and construction, to operational management. Our track record includes 80 completed wind farms with a total capacity of 1500 MW. In the next few years, we will add considerably to Europe’s wind power capacity. Every one of our projects is contributing ...
ADLS DeTect Inc - Drone Footage - Video
In response to the Dark Sky initiative to reduce light pollution and customer demand, DeTect developed the HARRIER Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS) for automatic obstruction lighting activation for aviation obstructions such as wind farm turbines, high voltage transmission lines and communication ...
By DeTect, Inc.
Delta4000 Series incl. N149/5X & N163/5X (ENG) - Video
With the Delta4000 platform, the Nordex Group relies on tried-and-tested series-production technology. We took the Delta Generation’s fundamental design and transferred it over to the 4 and 5 megawatt classes, with the help of performance-enhancing concept adaptations. At the same time, we kept an eye on electricity generation costs which were consequently reducing. With the new N149/5.X and the ...
By Nordex SE
Offshore Wind Farm - Video
Video Credits: Curtis Pinnock, his team, and Turbine Transfers and their vessel, Kinmel Bay Thank you for this fantastic compilation of what our ROV can ...
By VideoRay LLC
3-Level Topologies for Wind Turbines ? SEMITRANS 10 MLI - Video
In any new wind turbine developments, the primary objective is to reduce the cost of energy as well as to increase the output power. But this can’t happen without new technologies. One solution is to increase the voltage up to the 1000VAC (1500VDC) Low-Voltage Directive limit. SEMIKRON’s SEMITRANS 10 MLI is a 3-level NPC module that meets the needs of wind energy converters perfectly. Using ...
Windplanner turorial how to add color to hub and rotor blades Video
Windplanner is a web-application for the visualization and communication of wind and solar farms. Users can plan and visualize themselves using this software. This tutorial shows how to add color to the mast and blades of a wind ...
By Windplanner
Rio Tinto Renewable Energy In Practice - Diavik Wind Farm Video
Mining industry is increasingly using renewable energy such as wind, hydro and solar energy to meet its onsite needs. ...
By Nu Energy
Development of Solar and Wind Energy in China Video
China's solar and wind energy show booming growth within the last decade, and it is going to overtake the production of solar panels and wind farms of the U.S. and Germany within a few ...
Noupoort Wind Farm (80 Megawatts), South Africa Video
This great footage showcases the construction of the Noupoort wind farm in the Northern Cape, South Africa. Project Manager, Pule Segale talks about what this project brings to the local community and what renewable energy means for South ...
The GlobeCore Clean Marine for purification/degassing of electric insulation oils
The GlobeCore Clean Marine unit is designed for purification and degassing of electric insulation oils on sea-faring vessels, off-shore platforms and wind-farms, in ship-works and wharfs. see more on contact Oxana Bichurina for more information e-mail: skype : mg5globecore_de ...
By GlobeCore PC
Custom Dashboards in Breeze Video
Use Custom Dashboards in Breeze to build and customize dashboards across portfolio, wind farm and turbine level, all according to your unique workflow requirements as a wind turbine owner or ...
By Greenbyte AB
Sembmarine SLP Welcome Video Oct 13 Video
Sembmarine SLP has over 40 years of unparalleled expertise and experience in the offshore energy industry and are proud to be the only true single-source EPIC capability available in the UK. With a highly skilled local workforce and two load out quays, we design, procure, manufacture and commission facilities for both oil/gas and offshore renewable energy, both in the North Sea and ...
AXYS FLiDAR WindSentinel in the North Sea at FINO 1 Met Mast - Video
The FLiDAR WindSentinel effortlessly navigates the rough seas off the coast of Germany. With wave heights exceeding 8 metres and wind gusts over 38 knots (20m/sec), the ruggedized FLiDAR equipped with two LiDARs performed flawlessly, maintaining over 98% data availability through yet another winter storm in the North ...
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