Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

0 Current Events found

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM) Current Events

9 Past Events found

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM) Past Events




    AVEBIOM, organizador de EXPOBIOMASA, es la unión de los actores principales del sector de la bioenergía que cubren toda la cadena de valor de la biomasa. Se constituyó en 2004 con el fin de promover el desarrollo del sector de la bioenergía en España. Celebrando este próximo 9, 10 y 11 de mayo de 2023, la 14ª edición de EXPOBIOMASA. Esta edición nace con el ...



    Valladolid, Spain

    AVEBIOM, organizer of EXPOBIOMASA, is the union of the main actors of the bioenergy sector that cover the entire biomass value chain. It was set up in 2004 with the aim of promoting the development of the bioenergy sector in Spain. One of the main actions of the association to fulfill its purpose is the holding of EXPOBIOMASA, a professional fair for the biomass sector. It began in 2006, and on this occasion the twelfth edition is celebrated, ...

  • Expobiomasa 2017

    Expobiomasa 2017

    Valladolid, Spain

    Expobiomasa 2015 brought together in just 3 days all the professionals involved in the thriving business of biomass: forest machinery companies, solid biofuels industries, manufacturers, distributors and installers of heating systems, especially stoves and boilers, ESCO, industries and other large consumers of heat, heated water and process steam; As well as ancillary industry, engineering, Investment group,… All the ...

  • Expobiomasa 2015

    Expobiomasa 2015

    Valladolid, Spain

    AVEBIOM organises Expobiomasa, the fair for professionals in Europe. The annual sector event in Europe, to be held from 22nd to 24th September 2015, in Valladolid (Spain). In a single enclosure and for only 3 days, the professional, international and specialized Fair held each year in Valladolid, since 2006, exhibits all the technology and equipment available in the booming market of ...

  • 10 International Bioenergy Conference 2015

    10 International Bioenergy Conference 2015

    Valladolid, Spain

    The congress, organised by AVEBIOM, will be the 10th and will tackle the major challenges facing the sector over the coming years As it reaches its 10th anniversary, the IBC can be proud of nine previous years of distinguished presentations, experiences, case studies and debates. Within the EU’s framework for action on issues of climate and energy leading to 2030, three objectives have been established: reduce greenhouse gas emissions ...

  • Expobioenergia 2014

    Expobioenergia 2014

    Valladolid, Spain

    The 1st edition of ‘The Fair for Professionals’ in biomass organised by The Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM), will take place from 21st to 23rd October in Valladolid-Spain. After 8 years of experience as a co-organiser of Expobioenergía, now AVEBIOM takes the lead in this annual sector ...

  • Expobioenergia 2013

    Expobioenergia 2013

    Valladolid, Spain

    Expobioenergía 2013, the 8th edition of the international fair specialising in bioenergy, is one of the most important events at international level and it will be held in Valladolid from 22nd to 24th October 2013. The success of latest editions has made Expobioenergía a unique meeting place in the bioenergy industry and a point of reference at international ...

  • Expobioenergia 2012

    Expobioenergia 2012

    Valladolid, Spain

    Expobioenergía 2012, the 7th edition of the international fair specialising in bioenergy, is one of the most important events at international level and it will be held in Valladolid from 23rd to 25th October 2012. The success of latest editions has made Expobioenergía a unique meeting place in the bioenergy industry and a point of reference at international ...

  • Expobioenergía 2011

    Expobioenergía 2011

    Valladolid, Spain

    Expobioenergía 2011, the 6th edition of the international fair specialising in bioenergy, is one of the most important events at international level and it will be held in Valladolid from 18th to 20th October ...