Anand - Model G - Fin Tubes / Embedded Fin Tubes
The ‘G FIN TUBEis also known asEmbedded Fin Tube.This type of fin tube widely finds acceptance where the requirement is for higher operating temperature and relatively lower corrosive atmosphere. The fins are manufactured by embedding the fin strip into a groove formed on the base tube. The Fin is allowed to be placed in the groove and then the backfilling of the groove is carried out to ensure firm adherence of the fins to the base tubes. Because of the process this type of Fin Tube is also known as ‘G’ Fin tubeorGrooved Fin Tube.
The grooving, fin stack inserting and the backfill...
The grooving, fin stack inserting and the backfilling processes are carried put simultaneously as continuous operation. Because of the back filling procedure the bond between the Fin material and the Base tube is one of the best. This ensures optimum Heat Transfer.
These Fin Tubes find application in AIR FIN COOLERS, RADIATORS etc. and are preferred in Industries like Power Plants, Chemical Industries, Petroleum Refineries, Chemical process Plants, Rubber Plants, etc.
Properties of ‘G’ Fin Tubes or Grooved Fin Tubes (Embedded Fin Tube):-
Manufacturing Process: – Grooving and Embedding the Fin Stock in the Base Tubes.
Fin To Tube Bond:- Very Good
Heat Transfer Efficiency:- Excellent
Mechanical Resistance: – Very Good
Corrosion Protection: – Moderate
Temperature Range:- Up to Maximum 415 Deg C
Products Applications
- Automobile Industries
- Heat Exchanger
- Boiler & Pressure Vessel
- Petroleum Industries
- Pharmaceutical Industries
- Condenser
- Oil & Gas Refineries
- Thermal & Nuclear Power Plants
- Chemical Industries
- Defense
- Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
- Dairies
- Fertilizers Industries
- Solvent Plant
- Sugar Industries
- Railways
- Textile Machinery
- Instrumentation
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