Fluidized Bed Equipment & Supplies Near Canada

129 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Metso Corporation
    based in FINLAND

    Metso"s Automation business line, through 30 years of experience, is a leader in the control and management of FBB combustion, energy generation and emission control processes. We have met and exceeded customers" expectations and provided results in both greenfield plants and retrofits worldwide. Our proven experience range from the very small units to world’s largest supercritical FBB ...

  • Manufactured by Metso Corporation
    based in FINLAND

    The CFB Gasifier is a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactor developed by Metso. It is a robust and proven process for utilising wide range of fuels from peat and biofuels to different waste fractions. It can be applied to substitute oil, natural gas or other fossil fuels in industrial furnaces like limekilns, or to substitute coal, peat or other fossil fuels in ...

  • Diverse areas of applications, high flexibility as well as operational reliability and energy efficiency in the input material - these are just some of the many positive properties of the fluidized bed systems. They can be used to thermally treat a wide variety of solid materials such as biomass or pasty waste materials, dewatered sewage sludge and oil ...

  • based in USA

    TarFreeGas Advanced Gasification, similarly to PMFreeGas® gasification, TarFreeGas® utilizes a pressurized reactor containing a fluid bed of sand and can operate with either air and steam or pure oxygen and steam. TarFreeGas® causes tar levels up to 99% lower than traditional fluidized bed gasifiers. Frontline’s gasification ...

  • Manufactured by Eclipse, Inc.
    based in USA

    ThermJet Direct Fire Burners Feature the Highest Flame Velocities Available. The industry standard for velocity burners, the low NOx ThermJet represents a technological leap forward in every area of design and performance. Comparison tests show that ThermJet delivers the lowest emissions of any competitive model. Integrated gas and air orifices simplify burner piping, set-up and adjustment. Air ...

  • Manufactured by General Kinematics
    based in USA

    General Kinematics vibrating fluid bed processors are unmatched in bulk processing performance. Each fluidbed is custom engineered to match your specific process need. An array of options make GK fluidized beds a versatile part of your process ...

  • based in USA

    Q-Scrub Incinerator Scrubber delivers scrubber efficiencies of 95-99.99%. Systems can be engineered to guarantee any outlet rating. Most stack gas emissions requirements are based on a mass emissions standard of lbs./hr. in vs. lbs./hr. out for contaminants such as HCl, Cl2, SO2, HF, ...

  • based in USA

    West Biofuels has conducted research to advance the commercial readiness of a system to convert woody biomass residue into a mixed alcohol product high in renewable fuel ethanol. This process produces a fuel much lower in carbon intensity than current ethanol produced from corn while reducing pollutant emissions and forest fire ...

  • based in USA

    West Biofuels has refined the Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed (FICFB) gasifier based on the original FICFB design developed by the Vienna University of Technology. West Biofuels has developed a gasification system that produces a versatile high-hydrogen syngas ideal for catalytic conversion to renewable natural gas, fuel ethanol, synthetic diesel, or ...

  • The Fluidized Bed Panel (FBP) is a stand-alone control system for a Fluidized Bed Combustion ...

  • Carrier conventional fluid beds are designed to dry and/or cool a variety of products without the aid of ...

  • Flash drying is an inexpensive solution to drying powders and granular materials, and is designed for high moisture materials with a constant-rate drying zone. Carrier’s industrial flash dryer systems can use higher gas temperatures, versus other dryer types, because the material retention time is very short. Flash drying is accomplished with a large quantity of gas and active heat ...

  • The Tornesh dryer is an innovative drying device combining many of the benefits of fluid bed and flash drying. Carrier Tornesh dryers can process wet solids ranging from 1 micron up to one-half inch diameter. In a short time, the dryer discharges wet materials as dried product. There is no adhesion of powders after the drying process, therefore grade changes occur ...

  • based in USA

    Fluidized bed technology offers the advantage of reduced NOx and SO2 emissions by allowing the control of bed temperature and using reagents such as limestone as bed material. Additional benefits include the ability to use fuels such as biomass or waste fuels which are difficult to burn in conventional boiler ...

  • based in USA

    B&W's bubbling fluid bed (BFB) technology is ideal for repowering an existing facility, recovery boiler conversions, or when changing fuel or firing techniques of an existing power boiler. Typical fuels include primary and secondary sludge, bark and woodwaste, coal and tire derived fuel. ...

  • Manufactured by Ventilex B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Do you wish to dry and/or cool food products, animal feed, minerals, or chemicals in an energy-efficient way? Then a Ventilex Fluid Bed Dryer, or Fluidized Bed, is the equipment of choice! In the Ventilex fluidized, or fluid bed, updrafts of gas or air cause a solid substance to behave like a fluid. The mechanic ...

  • based in USA

    Delta T Thermal Solutions ECONOCOIL® is a very efficient and versatile light-duty plate-type heat exchanger. Its unique construction enables high heat transfer efficiency for heating and cooling, which can be applied to a wide range of applications. Units are commonly used in the plating, metal finishing, chemical processing, pulp & paper, waste treatment, textiles, pharmaceutical, and ...

  • based in MAURITIUS

    Drytech has designed and developed a fluid media combustor (FMCTM) system for the combustion of pea and duff coal in thermal processing systems, these systems have been successfully used in industry as Hot Gas Generators since 1986. This system was developed in early 1980, and the first use of the system was the replacement of an underfeed stoker in an animal feed drying application. The heat ...

  • based in USA

    NTMONTC* alloy 80A (UNS N07080/W. Nr. 2.4952 & 2.4631) is a wrought, age-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy, strengthened by additions of titanium, aluminum and carbon, developed for service at temperatures up to 815°C (1500°F). It is produced by high-frequency melting and casting in air for forms to be extruded. Electroslae refined material is used for forms to be forged. Vacuum ...

  • Manufactured by Enviva LP
    based in USA

    Enviva Wood Pellets are energy dense, low moisture, uniformly-sized wood ...

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