Gas Cleaning Equipment Supplied In Europe

112 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Biochemical decomposition processes of organic bonds in these landfills produce up to 150 – 250 m³ of landfill gases per tonne of household garbage. Due to a methane content of up to 60%, landfill gas ranks number six on the list of climate-disrupting methane producers worldwide, but it is also an important source of energy with enormous potential if used ...

  • based in DENMARK

    NISSEN energy has developed our own treatment plant for gas purification, which takes care of the challenges in connection with gas purification when producing sustainable energy on biogas. Biogas is a clean and efficient energy solution, but the biogas that comes directly from the process typically has a low pressure (5-20 mbar) and a high ...

  • Manufactured by EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Catalytic exhaust and exhaust air cleaning: EWK Umwelttechnik has been building systems for air pollution control and purification of exhaust gases for decades. The SCR (selective catalytic reduction) process is successfully used to reduce pollutants: Process exhaust, Combustion ...

  • Manufactured by Environ LTD
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Environ continues to provide an uninterrupted essential gas cleaning service to our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gas cleaning is essential for the fuel gas treatment associated with electrical generation engines operating on landfill, waste water, and Anerobic Digestion ...

  • Manufactured by Biogasclean A/S
    based in DENMARK

    The PTU – the Process Technique Unit - is the machine room and contains PLC controller board, circulation pump, air blower, valves, flow meters, gas detector system and – if required – also heating system installed in a custom built fiberglass container or a modified shipping ...

  • Manufactured by Biogasclean A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Easy to ship worldwide; the gas cleaner can be shipped on a truck or in one 40 feet container. The PTU – the Process Technique Unit - is the machine room and contains PLC controller board, circulation pump, air blower, valves, flow meters and – if required – also gas detector system and heating system installed in a small custom built fiberglass ...

  • Manufactured by Ravebo B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    The washing liquid is recirculated by means of a centrifugal pump which is connected on the suction side to the liquid buffer in which the washing liquid is stored. In certain areas where only (relatively) hard water is available a water softener can be used for the makeup water. The hardness of the water has a major influence on the efficiency of the scrubber process. The washing liquid is ...

  • Manufactured by Fingo-Complex
    based in RUSSIA

    The plant is located in Semibratovo, Yaroslavl region, 200 km to the North-East of Moscow. The plant was founded in 1944. For over 75 years the plant has focused on its core competencies - the flue gas cleaning. With more than 3,000 installations worldwide, FINGO has the proven experience to understand your individual process requirements. We design the optimal ...

  • based in TURKEY

    At sea, safety requirements for ships are of the utmost importance. This also applies to fire protection measures. After all, in the event of a fire, rapid escape is usually impossible and the prompt arrival of help from outside cannot be expected. In light of the various types of fire risks which exist onboard ships, specific solutions are necessary for the space or object to be protected in ...

  • based in GERMANY

    After dedusting, the flue gas is saturated before the inlet to the scrubber by water injected with two-phase nozzles CSL. In the scrubber the pollutants are removed by atomization of lime and in a second stage by atomization of fresh water, thus achieving the requested clean gas ...

  • based in GERMANY

    With the SCR process the reducing agent is injected at comparatively low temperatures and the nitrogen oxides are reduced to molecular nitrogen using a catalyst. With the SNCR process the reducing agent is injected directly into the hot flue gas at temperatures of about 950 °C. The reducing agent reacts with the nitrogen oxides to water and nitrogen. The advantage of this ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    We can provide CUTNOX for the reduction of NOx products from incinerator processes as stand-alone units for installation in existing or new furnaces. We offer SCR primarily as an integrated part of a complete flue gas cleaning ...

  • Manufactured by Simatek A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Simatek’s Dry Sorption Technology is based on long experience and a great number of references demonstrating the efficiency and reliability of the flue gas cleaning method, which ever since the very beginning has been abreast of the strictest environmental ...

  • Manufactured by INCINIS GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    The incinerators combine the principles of natural draft with modern incinerator technology and thus dispose of major advantages: guaranteed process conditions (temperature in the after-burner chamber of 850 – 1100°C at 2 sec. residence time) minimal pollutants - values below the limits (e.g. dust, TOC, dioxins, furans, CO). Due to optimization of the incinerator it is possible to ...

  • based in ISRAEL

    Wet-Vortex systems are especially efficient where the cleaning of both solid and gas pollutants is required. Solid particles, captured in the cleaning process, can be returned for reused when applicable. Furthermore, the absorption liquid used in the gas-cleaning process can be cleaned from the ...

  • Manufactured by DCL International Inc.
    based in CANADA

    With DCL's SRT System, there is no annual downtime or media changeover and less frequent maintenance required to maintain consistent and effective gas cleaning ...

  • Manufactured by RESET
    based in ITALY

    Available from 50 to 200 kWe in combined heat and power configuration, or as PowerSkid HEAT (150 kWth), it is a compact system including all the necessary equipment: feedstock hopper, up to 4 gasification units, gas cleaning and cooling, automatic biochar extraction, single or double genset with thermal recovery, electrical panel and management software. ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Natural gas is a clean and efficient fuel with a wide range of applications. It can be used in the processing industry, as a fuel for vehicles, for cooking and of course for heating premises and ...

  • Manufactured by RESET
    based in ITALY

    Available from 50 to 200 kWe in combined heat and power configuration, or as HEAT version (150 kWth), it includes: biomass tank, feedstock hopper, up to 4 gasification units, gas cleaning and cooling, automatic biochar extraction, single or double genset with thermal recovery, electrical panel and management software. The modular design allows to customize the ...

  • Manufactured by Hephaestus Group
    based in GREECE

    Utilizing biomass fuels for steam production may offer benefits such as financial net savings, independance from fossil fuel resources and CO2 and NOx emissions reduction. Hephaestus Type KS biomass boilers range offers versatility in fuel selection, integrated flue gas cleaning systems, high efficiency and robust design with minimal footprint. ...

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