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Gas Cleaning System Equipment & Supplies

48 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Biochemical decomposition processes of organic bonds in these landfills produce up to 150 – 250 m³ of landfill gases per tonne of household garbage. Due to a methane content of up to 60%, landfill gas ranks number six on the list of climate-disrupting methane producers worldwide, but it is also an important source of energy with enormous potential if used ...

  • Manufactured by Biogasclean A/S
    based in DENMARK

    The PTU – the Process Technique Unit - is the machine room and contains PLC controller board, circulation pump, air blower, valves, flow meters, gas detector system and – if required – also heating system installed in a custom built fiberglass container or a modified shipping ...

  • Manufactured by Biogasclean A/S
    based in DENMARK

    Easy to ship worldwide; the gas cleaner can be shipped on a truck or in one 40 feet container. The PTU – the Process Technique Unit - is the machine room and contains PLC controller board, circulation pump, air blower, valves, flow meters and – if required – also gas detector system and heating system installed ...

  • Manufactured by Environ LTD
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Environ continues to provide an uninterrupted essential gas cleaning service to our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gas cleaning is essential for the fuel gas treatment associated with electrical generation engines operating on landfill, waste water, and Anerobic Digestion ...

  • based in TURKEY

    At sea, safety requirements for ships are of the utmost importance. This also applies to fire protection measures. After all, in the event of a fire, rapid escape is usually impossible and the prompt arrival of help from outside cannot be expected. In light of the various types of fire risks which exist onboard ships, specific solutions are necessary for the space or object to be protected in ...

  • based in INDIA

    CK Airtech's long-time association with Fagus-GreCon GmbH, a renowned German company, offers state of the art technology that protects Bag filters/Bag houses from explosion due to fire or sparks. This system is equipped with spark detection & extinguishing system in the duct line to recognise and extinguish sparks travelling in ...

  • Manufactured by Hephaestus Group
    based in GREECE

    Utilizing biomass fuels for steam production may offer benefits such as financial net savings, independance from fossil fuel resources and CO2 and NOx emissions reduction. Hephaestus Type KS biomass boilers range offers versatility in fuel selection, integrated flue gas cleaning systems, high efficiency and robust design with minimal footprint. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Furnace and boiler. Electronic control. Fully automatic fuel feed system, ignition and deashing. Flue gas cleaning ...

  • Manufactured by EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Environmental protection can also be economical: By integrating water/water or water/air heat exchangers into scrubber circuits, large amounts of energy from the exhaust air can be transferred as useful energy into secondary water circuits or outdoor air. As a result, interesting amortizations can also reduce costs for exhaust gas cleaning ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    We can provide CUTNOX for the reduction of NOx products from incinerator processes as stand-alone units for installation in existing or new furnaces. We offer SCR primarily as an integrated part of a complete flue gas cleaning ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    Munters DCM type Coalescer candles are designed to eliminate finest solids and liquid particles from wet gas flows. The candles have an integrated prefilter considerably increasing the cartridges lifetime. Munters DCM Coalescer candles are particularly effective at removing the finest droplets and solid dust particles entrained in gas flows. ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A complete gasifier system includes biomass charging equipment, the gasifier, gas cooling and cleaning system, and control system. The gasifier converts biomass fuel into producer gas. The fuel is batch loaded into gasifier using a bucket charger or inclined ...

  • based in USA

    ALKOOL technology provides an alkali-free syngas while avoiding deposition and fouling normally encountered when processing feedstocks high in sodium and potassium. Removing these alkali metals protects equipment from ...

  • Manufactured by Fingo-Complex
    based in RUSSIA

    The plant is located in Semibratovo, Yaroslavl region, 200 km to the North-East of Moscow. The plant was founded in 1944. For over 75 years the plant has focused on its core competencies - the flue gas cleaning. With more than 3,000 installations worldwide, FINGO has the proven experience to understand your individual process requirements. We design the optimal ...

  • Manufactured by RESET
    based in ITALY

    Available from 50 to 200 kWe in combined heat and power configuration, or as HEAT version (150 kWth), it includes: biomass tank, feedstock hopper, up to 4 gasification units, gas cleaning and cooling, automatic biochar extraction, single or double genset with thermal recovery, electrical panel and management software. The modular design allows to customize the ...

  • Manufactured by RESET
    based in ITALY

    Available from 50 to 200 kWe in combined heat and power configuration, or as PowerSkid HEAT (150 kWth), it is a compact system including all the necessary equipment: feedstock hopper, up to 4 gasification units, gas cleaning and cooling, automatic biochar extraction, single or double genset with thermal recovery, electrical panel and management ...

  • based in SERBIA

    Cyclones have very wide application in different process industries, metallurgy, mining, pneumatic transport etc. The cyclones are the most commonly used equipment for separating a mixture of gas and solid particles larger than 5μm. For large-capacity dust collection systems cyclones of the same size and capacity will be installed in series forming a ...

  • Manufactured by Ing.Gallarati
    based in ITALY

    These are small and medium size horizontal rotating pyrolitic incinerators (furnaces) with either manual loading ("batch") through the frontal door or automatic loading by means of a ram loader (hydraulic loading machine), which can be mounted only on the bigger units (starting from the model MAC300, due to the head diameter). ...

  • based in USA

    R&D Dynamics CENVA® family of energy efficient vapor cycle compressors have been developed for use in aerospace, industrial, and commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Ranging in size from 10 to 100 tons of refrigeration capacity, all feature oil-free foil gas bearing ...

  • Manufactured by PyroGenesis Inc.
    based in CANADA

    Situations that have recently developed, particularly in Syria, have brought to the forefront the striking need for a safe, versatile, and efficient mobile system, deployable on a moment’s notice to eliminate chemical warfare agent (CWA) stockpiles. In fact, the worldwide inventory of CWAs, both home and abroad, poses an immense risk to military personnel and nearby ...

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