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Gas Cyclone Equipment & Supplies

5 equipment items found
  • based in GERMANY

    Depending on the dust concentration of the flue gas a cyclone is installed for pre-dedusting (optional). Lime slurry from the bottom of the scrubber is atomized into the spray absorber by nozzles. The lime reacts with the acid flue gas pollutants SO2, HF and HCl. For the removal of the dust and the dry reaction products a deduster MULTIWIR is ...

  • based in INDIA

    These waste incinerators are operated at Min 850 C in Primary chamber and 1050 C in secondary chamber. Thus incinerated solid waste and product of combustion are passed through flue Gas Temp Dilutor, Cyclone separator, and wet Scrubbing system. Before it is exhausted to Atmosphere through Induced draft fan and ...

  • Manufactured by Comessa S.A.
    based in FRANCE

    Flash drying works on the principle of pneumatic transport using hot air. Wet product is introduced into a high velocity air stream through a special Venturi ...

  • Manufactured by Ensoleir
    based in IRELAND

    HERLT whole bale boiler is the only boiler showing excellent reduced emission values and high efficiencies. The well-engineered gasification-, two stage furnace- and flue gas system is patented world-wide. The boilers range from 85 kW up to 5 MW using straw and miscanthus bales and also baled brush wood and timber logs. They are designed and made by the North East German ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The SÜLZLE KOPF SynGas heat module is suitable for combination with a sewage sludge dryer or for feeding energy into a heating network. In this process, the energy of the sewage sludge is completely converted into heat, so that the entire system of sewage sludge drying and utilisation can be thermally self-sufficient. ...

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