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Heat And Power Equipment & Supplies

502 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by 2G Energy AG
    based in GERMANY

    The development team at 2G Drives GmbH, 2G Energy AG's research and development company, has achieved excellent results in terms of the efficiency of combined heat and power plants by optimising gas motor technology. The use of steel pistons has greatly reduced frictional power and heat losses. The four-valve technology enables ...

  • Manufactured by 2G Energy AG
    based in GERMANY

    With an output range between 527 and 4,500 kW, the avus is the biggest combined heat and power system by 2G. Thanks to its various possible applications, the model creates new supply prospects in the public as well as the private sector. What can the avus do for you? With the avus, local energy suppliers can use district heating networks to ...

  • Distributed by NewEnCo
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Combined heat and power (CHP) is the generation of electricity and useful heat from the same item of plant. In most CHP installations, the electricity displaces some of the power which would be bought from the local supply network and the heat recovered from the engine supplements or in some cases ...

  • Manufactured by Frontline Waste
    based in USA

    A mobile Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generator by a 3rd party, leader in small-scale heat-to-power generation, specially adapted to work in conjunction with the Gen-H. The Gen-E converts the heat from the waste recovery process into zero-carbon electricity. One Gen-H powers two ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Combined heat and power plants (CHPs) simultaneously generate electricity and heat on the basis of cogeneration. Due to a higher efficiency compared to the separate generation of electricity (e.g. coal-fired power plants) and heat (e.g., boiler with fuel oil or natural gas), this type of plant contributes to a ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Biomasse-HeizkraftwerkeAs a client of SEEGER ENGINEERING AG you will be provided with an all-round service when planning a biomass combined heat and power plant (CHP plant). We accompany all planning steps starting with a first concept or feasibility study, followed by a preliminary and final design leading to approval and implementation planning. These planning ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Combined heat and power (CHP) is a way of using the heat from power production for increased efficiency. Conventional energy generation can be very wasteful of heat, even in modern coal and gas fired power stations, where possibly only a third of the energy used to power the ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    Avus ranges in size from 527kW to 4,000kW, and larger sizes are available on request. Avus outperforms all other CHP systems and is the ultimate choice for dependable onsite power and thermal generation. ...

  • Manufactured by Remeha B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Combined heat and power (CHP), or cogeneration, is the simultaneous production of useful heat and electricity from a single source. It is a true low (or zero) carbon dioxide alternative to a gas boiler. Micro-CHP (µCHP) refers to the small-scale production of heat and power for individual commercial ...

  • Manufactured by EC Power A/S
    based in DENMARK

    The proven classic: XRGI® 15 With a total degree of utilisation of up to 103 %, the XRGI® 15 is an efficient solution for supplying medium-sized residential and industrial properties. Its cost-effectiveness and quality is already enjoyed by thousands of satisfied customers – and the experts. No wonder that the XRGI® 15 was honoured several ...

  • Manufactured by EC Power A/S
    based in DENMARK

    The solid power pack: XRGI® 20 With the XRGI® 20, we have redefined the state-of-the-art for the CHP technology. Our largest model achieves a total degree of utilisation of up to 106 %. It fully takes its advantages in large-size industrial and residential ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    In those areas not serviced by a main electricity grid, locally generated electricity is ideally suited as a cost-effective way of meeting the local electricity demand while reducing significant network installation or upgrade costs. Through supply of energy directly at the load with a captive power plant, it is also possible to reduce or avoid altogether the transport and ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Produce Electricity & Generate Heat with a Biomass Boiler CHP solution. Ashwell Biomass along with leading Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) specialists Enogia to offer low maintenance, cost effective and proven biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) solutions. Already got a biomass boiler but want to explore CHP? ...

  • Manufactured by OG Power
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A combined heat and power module is the ideal solution for everyone seeking to reduce energy costs in the long term and free themselves of rising electricity prices. As a pioneer, innovator working with leading manufacturers of decentralised energy generation systems using combined heat and power (CHP) in the world, OG ...

  • Manufactured by Volter Oy
    based in FINLAND

    Volter 40 Outdoor combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) is designed for outdoor or temporary installation. The CHP is built into a standard 40′ HC DD sea container and is delivered factory tested, ready for shipping as a standard sea freight container. Installation on site includes cuttings for inlets and main grid and heating pipe ...

  • Manufactured by Shenton Group
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Power Therm is shentongroup‘s complete combined heat and power station offering. Running on natural gas, Power Therm captures all the waste heat from its engine, and turns it into useful hot water, making it over 85% efficient! The reduction in C02 is significant. ...

  • Manufactured by CHEEMA BOILERS LIMITED
    based in INDIA

    Combined heat and power (CHP) is the simultaneous cogeneration of electricity and heat. Cogeneration is a highly efficient form of energy conversion. It can achieve primary energy savings of approximately 40% compared to the separate purchase of electricity ...

  • based in USA

    YANMAR’s Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system uses an internal combustion engine, powered by clean natural gas, to produce both heat and electric ...

  • based in CANADA

    Combined heat and power units (CHPs), are 98% efficient and can save you up to 70% on energy by using an engine to generate electricity and heat simultaneously. Efficiency for the win. ...

  • Manufactured by Anesco Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Using electricity available through the National Grid is high in carbon and expensive to use. Creating electricity is also an inefficient process. One alternative is to use combined heat and power (CHP) units, which simultaneously generate electricity and ...

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