Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generation Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by ElectraTherm by Bitzer Groupbased in USA
Units can be configured to higher thermal loads. The Active Cooler Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) process converts fluid heat sources - such as engine jacket water and low temperature geothermal - into clean electricity. In the process the excess heat is utilized rather than wasted, generating power while reducing ...
Manufactured by Questor Technology Inc.based in CANADA
ClearPower Systems by Questor specializes in the design and installation of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generators. Electrical power is generated from waste heat. Our systems are designed to efficiently transform otherwise wasted high and low-temperature heat into ...
Manufactured by Zuccato Energia Srlbased in ITALY
The structure of the proposed plant is based on the so-called low-temperature organic Rankine cycle (LT-ORC), and may be summed up by the diagram in Figure 1. A heat source [1] generates heat, which is conveyed through a vector fluid circulating into a closed loop to one or more primary heat exchangers, usually a preheater and an ...
Manufactured by Frontline Wastebased in USA
A mobile Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generator by a 3rd party, leader in small-scale heat-to-power generation, specially adapted to work in conjunction with the Gen-H. The Gen-E converts the heat from the waste recovery process into zero-carbon electricity. ...
based in AUSTRALIA
Trigeneration combines a highly efficient and low-emission 2G CHP power generation with an absorption chiller. In some instances the heat utilisation of a Cogeneration system is highly seasonal. With the addition of an absorption chiller, additional waste heat from the Cogeneration system can be converted into chilled water for use in cooling processes. ...
Manufactured by Triple Green Energybased in CANADA
Triple Green Energy systems are automated and made to suit the tech savvy world, having the option to be operated and monitored via smartphone or tablet. ElectraTherm ORC generators operate in conjunction with our biomass furnace systems, utilizing excess biomass heat to produce ...
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