Power Turbine Equipment & Supplies In Alaska
Manufactured by WPP Energybased in SWITZERLAND
Introducing the WPP ENERGY W2H2™ MOBILE POWER STATION which will be housed inside 20' and 40' sea container configurations. These are turn key Mobile Hydrogen power plants. Shown below is an image of W2H2 supplying hydrogen to a hydrogen compatible 44MW Mobile Gas Turbine Power Plant W2H2 is still under research and ...
Manufactured by GE Power & Waterbased in USA
The GE nuclear power conversion solutions for large and very large reactors are based on our Arabelle steam turbine technology platform. Arabelle steam turbines deliver power from 700MW to 1,900MW in both 50 and 60 Hz cycles and can be adapted to any heat sink conditions with a choice of low pressure modules and types of ...
Manufactured by Maxwell Technologies Korea Co., Ltd.based in SOUTH KOREA
Maxwell Technologies’ 160V module is designed to provide energy storage and power delivery for wind turbine pitch control, short-term uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and renewable energy systems. Primarily designed for pitch control systems for 1.5 to 6MW wind turbines, the 160V module provides a turnkey solution to ...
Manufactured by Aeolos Wind Energy Ltd.based in UNITED KINGDOM
Aeolos-H 2kw wind turbine is the main residential wind turbine model. It is reliable, easy installation and free maintenance. Aeolos-H 2000w has high efficiency and can start up easily in low wind speed with maximum output power up to 3000W. As the most popular residential wind power generator, 2kw wind turbine ...
Manufactured by CECO Environmentalbased in USA
A boiling water reactor, or BWR, is a nuclear reactor used to produce electrical power. Its reactor core heats the water, which then turns to steam to power a steam turbine. The Peerless brand Secondary Separator within Nuclear Reactor Vessels (Boiling Water Reactor Plants), or “steam dryer”, is used as the final stage of water ...
Manufactured by Technopa GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Power Capacity: 10kW-600kW at. Incoming steam temperature: min 130°C. Incoming steam pressure min: 4,0 bar Abs. Outcoming steam temperature: min 105 °C. Outcoming steam pressure: min 1,1 bar Abs. Steam flow: min 1,1-3 ...
Manufactured by EnergyLink Internationalbased in CANADA
GT inlet heating or anti-icing systems using recovered heat from the turbine exhaust, providing even distribution of the heated air over the face of the inlet filter to prevent filter and ducting from icing with extremely low inlet and exhaust pressure drops as well as high turbine performance. Results show that our Anti-icing systems have a larger ...
based in USA
Aquantis Turbines are a breakthrough in marine renewable energy technology, which converts the kinetic energy of either gyre or tidal ocean currents to electric power for submarine transmission to the land-based power grid. The Turbines operate at high efficiency, generating clean, predictable utility-scale electricity. ...
Distributed by CRRC Corporation Limited (CRRC)based in CHINA
Rated power : 1,650 kW, Tower height : 70 m, Impeller diameter : 77 m, Tower weight : 130 t, Cabin weight : 57 t, Hub weight : 36 ...
Manufactured by Aranerbased in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
By this way, ARATrap is an innovative ARANER’s technology that ensures no entry of unfiltered air into the gas turbine filter house. ARANER has wide experience in implementing successful projects of Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (TIAC), a method for power augmentation in gas turbines. Depending on the ambient conditions and ...
Manufactured by Verdant Power, Inc.based in USA
Verdant Power’s Tidal Turbine System is a turnkey water-to-wire system utilizing horizontal-axis turbines to convert the kinetic energy of fast-moving (> 1.0 m/s) water currents into clean renewable electricity. Multiple turbines are deployed on mounts in a field array fully underwater and not visible from the ...
Manufactured by FISCHER Fuel Cell Compressor AGbased in SWITZERLAND
The EMTCT-120k compressor system is designed for fuel cell systems in the 90-130kW power range. Our compressor systems can be adapted to customer requirements through aerodynamic ...
Manufactured by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energybased in SPAIN
Multi-megawatt turbines from the Gamesa 2.0 MW platform improve competitive investment ratios per MW installed and Cost of Energy produced due to their versatile combination of a 2.0 MW unit power wind turbine and 5 different sized rotors: 80, 87, 90, 97 and 114 m diameters, to achieve maximun output in all types of settings and wind conditions. ...
based in USA
PDETM (Plant Design Expert) is an intelligent shell that uses the GT PRO/GT MASTER design and simulation engines. PDE is a compact expert program, with built-in logic to create and configure suitable gas turbine power and cogeneration plants based on the user’s electricity and heat demands, site parameters, and constraints. It rapidly creates side-by-side ...
Manufactured by Aranerbased in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
This technology ensures that this cooled air will not drag any water drop by installing ARADrops downstream the air cooling heat exchanger, increasing the turbine power output. ARADrop is specially designed so as to let the inlet air continue to the gas turbine compressor but not the possible water drops produced in the air cooling process, since ...
Manufactured by Flex Energy Solutionsbased in USA
For areas with the challenge of unpredictable power and during intermittent grid or extended outages, Flex Energy Solutions makes it simple for commercial and industrial facilities to maintain control of their own power ...
Manufactured by Amethermbased in USA
The MS35 Series of inrush current limiters by Ametherm are designed to handle up to 800 Joules of energy and support steady-state currents ranging from 10 A to 50 A. Built to withstand the rigors of demanding high-power applications, these power thermistors are instrumental in alternative and green energy systems. They help prevent current spikes in ...
Distributed by CRRC Corporation Limited (CRRC)based in CHINA
Rated power : 1,682.5 kW. Rated torque : 923.4 kN.m. IGear ratio : 99.74. Input axle speed : 11~19.5 r/min. Mass : 13,600 ...
Manufactured by M+M Turbinen-Technik Gmbhbased in GERMANY
Combined heat and power (CHP) for optimal energy utilisation. For applications where heat production is the primary goal, our District-Heating (or CHP) turbines are the ideal solution. Steam is expanded in the turbine for power generation and removed at the exhaust for heat production. ...
A desalination unit first removes salts and other impurities from the seawater before it goes into the electrolyser. Wind power from the turbine generates the electricity to power the electrolyser, splitting the water molecule to produce hydrogen and oxygen. This all takes places on top of a moored floating offshore sub-structure and without need ...
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