Maarky - Heat Exchangers
Power plants use a variety of heat exchangers to transfer heat between various fluids. The heat exchanger configuration is dictated by the thermal and hydraulic application. Maarky heat exchangers are designed using the Heat Transfer Research, Inc. programs and in-house design programs.
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Product Details
Each component of the heat exchanger is carefully designed to offer the highest heat transfer coefficient and the lowest pressure drop. Adequate flow areas are maintained in all sections of the heat exchanger to eliminate the detrimental effects of flow inducted vibration and erosion.
Heat exchangers for unique applications with non-standard configurations, high temperature, high pressure, high cyclic service, and unusual fluid properties and materials are Maarky’s specialty. Years of experience in design, fabrication, operation, and trouble-shooting a wide genre of heat transfer equipment permit Maarky engineers to offer proven yet innovative solutions to achieve the unique requirements for performance and structural integrity. Complex thermal, hydraulic and mechanical designs beyond the reach of conventional approach are performed using the advanced analytical tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
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