Micro Gas Pre-Engineered Systems
Not expensive fire suppression system for electrical panels, vehicles and IT servers. In the last few years the size and financial value of industrial equipments and vehicles are growing rapidly. The growth of material value of devices increases the necessity of usage of not expensive reliable systems of fire protection.
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Extinguishing agents (water or powder selectively); especially extinguishing gases HFC-227 ea and HFC-125 are providing complete and effective suppression. These gases are odorless, colorless, without post-fire residue and vaporize completely.
The system is divided into two types: direct or indirect application. In the indirect application the system is activated by heat-sensitive wire (tubing), which detects the fire and provides the discharge of gas into panel through pipe installed inside. In case of direct application, the gas is released as soon as detects flame and suppresses the fire on the first zone of fire arising. No need to install pipeline.
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