Model HO-88 - Additive for Combustion of Heavy Oils
From Oil Fuel Chemicals
HO-88 is an additive for the combustion of heavy oils. It is a liquid heavy oil additive made using a proprietary blend of organic compounds of chromium, cobalt, aluminum and iron dissolved in a petroleum base solvent. It minimizes the formation of SO3 (which causes corrosion of the boiler and slagging.) HO-88 increases the rate of combustion: oil is burned much more completely rather than remaining as slag on the furnace walls.
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Product Details
HO-88 will change the appearance of the flame and flue gas by stabilizing the carbon dioxide level and preventing it from rising to the point where haze and soot form. HO-88 can be used in any boiler burning fuel oil including public utility boilers, industrial boilers, rate of 1 gallon to 4,000-8,000 gallons of heavy fuel oil. HO-88 contains no product that is in any way harmful to the storage tank, the boiler or any part of the system.
Several tests have been conducted on HO-88. These tests demonstrated that using this product resulted in substantial fuel savings. The tests conducted used a modified Oxygen-Bomb Calorimeter, designed for use during fuel combustion to measure maximum temperature achieved and the amount of heat released. Comparisons were made between untreated fuel, and fuel treated with HO-88. Results showed that the treated fuel reached an average higher temperature of 47 degrees out of 1100 degrees Fahrenheit and released 5% more heat. The higher heat release was measured from the same amount of fuel, resulting in savings in fuel costs. This increase in heat output was due to a greater proportion of the carbon in the fuel being burned completely, with fewer products of incomplete combustion such as carbon monoxide.
HO-88 reduces fuel costs, reduces slagging and maintenance costs, and reduces Emissions:
- Because of HO-88’s high efficiency, only small quantities are required, and field tests have proven that regular use will result in a fuel savings over and above the cost of HO-88.
- When HO-88 is added to fuel oil, complete combustion is obtained and there is little, if any, soot or slag. These effects reduce the time spent on maintenance, cleaning and repair of boilers and accessories, lowering operating costs. The more complete and efficient combustion achieved from the use of HO-88 results in less unburned carbons that substantially contribute to air pollution. This also reduces the amount of visible smoke emitted.
- HO-88 virtually eliminates sludge. When HO-88 is added to the storage tank, as it is being filled, it immediately mixes with the fuel oil, with which it is chemically homogeneous, and penetrates and breaks down any sludge forming particles. This enables the oil to hold them in suspension and pass them along to the piping system for combustion, thereby preventing them from settling in the bottom of the tank and nozzles, creating problems such as clogged fuel injectors.
- Slagging, corrosion and fouling are reduced. Without HO-88, slag will bind to the walls of the boiler tubes, and when the tubes are cleaned, part of the wall is removed with the slag, resulting in thinner walls with each cleaning. HO-88 prevents the alloying action keeping tubes clean.
- HO-88 will pick up or emulsify normal moisture in storage tanks and in fuel lines. This will minimize the amount of water going through the boiler, reducing sparking.
Heavy Fuel Oil Catalyst
HO-88 Combustion Catalyst for heavy fuel oils is used at a rate of one gallon to 4,000-8,000 gallons of heavy #5 or #6 fuel oil depending upon the specifications of the oil. Public utility boilers, industrial power and heat plant boilers and marine boilers are the customers for HO-88. The benefits are in reducing slagging, fouling and corrosion inside the boilers, elimination of sludge, reduced stack particulate emissions and improved operating efficiency. The resulting fuel savings more than cover the cost of using HO-88. HO-88 is packaged in 55-gallon drums or in bulk containers.
With the rising costs of fuel, it is important to know that by using HO-88, you need to use less fuel to service your requirements. Because of HO-88's high efficiency, only small quantities are required, and field tests have proven that regular use will result in a fuel savings of three to five percent over and above the cost of HO-88. Reports have indicated savings in some cases of from twelve to fifteen percent reduction in boiler cleaning costs.
One of the more important attributes of HO-88 is the increased efficiency it provides which reduces the time spent in maintenance and repairs of boilers and accessories, resulting in significant savings in operating costs.
When HO-88 is added to fuel oil, complete combustion is obtained and there is little, if any, smoking or sooting. In addition, complete calcination of the ash components of the fuel is achieved and unburned tars, which act as binders in the formation of slag, are eliminated. The cleanliness and efficiencies produced by regular use of HO-88 ensure substantial man-hour savings
Air Pollution
Using HO-88 will provide beneficial reductions in undesirable emissions. More complete and more efficient combustion results from the use of HO-88. There are less unburned residues that substantially contribute to air pollution by stack emissions. The discharge of unburned carbons is reduced to a minimum. The improved combustion will markedly reduce the amounts of visible smoke emitted and eliminate many complaints related to plant operations.
HO-88 virtually eliminates the problem of sludge. When HO-88is added to the storage tank as it is being filled it immediately mixes with the fuel oil, with which it is chemically homogeneous, and penetrates and breaks down any sludge forming particles. This enables the oil to hold them in suspension and pass them along to the piping system for combustion, thereby preventing them from settling to create a problem.
The more complete and more efficient combustion that HO-88will provide substantially reduces slagging and corrosion. Without HO-88 slag will bond to the walls of the boiler tubes so that when the tubes are cleaned, part of the wall comes off with the slag, resulting in a thinner wall with each cleaning. HO-88 will prevent the alloying action and tubes will remain clean.
HO-88 will pick up or emulsify normal moisture in storage tanks and in fuel lines. This will minimize the amount of water going through the boiler, reducing sparking.
HO-88 comes in convenient drums or bulk containers and requires no special handling. It has a flash point of 177 degrees F. that is sufficient for most applications. Higher flash points are available for unusual situations.
HO-88 is available in a variety of formulations to meet almost any requirement. HO-88 contains no ingredient that is in any way harmful to the storage tank, the boiler or any part of the system. Extra use of HO-88 during excessive cold weather will inhibit wax from falling out of suspension.
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