Pentol-Enviro AG

Pentol-Enviro AG

- Gas Turbines



PentoMag® 4450 increases the overall efficiency of diesel engines by around 5%. This may sound unbelievable, but we can achieve this goal by optimizing not only the engine itself, but most of all the fuel oil treatment station. Read the following pages to get an impression on how we can achieve this goal and get in contact with one of our combustion engineers to discuss the possibility of testing PentoMag® 4450 on your gas turbine.


PentoMag® 4450 has been developed with three goals in mind:
  1. Protect the diesel engine and turbo loader from corrosion and deposits
  2. Reduce emission
  3. Reduce fuel consumption

PentoMag 4450 is the result of a deep cooperation with one of our clients, where this additive has been developed custom designed for the clients need.

PentoMag 4450 is more than a corrosion inhibitor.

It´s a balanced blend of

  • cracking-catalysts
  • fuel-homogenizers
  • combustion-catalysts
  • corrosion-inhibitors

Action Principle

Reducing the amount of sludge disposed

Disaggregate heavy fractions of the fuel oil to improve volatilization. PentoMag® 4450 is best dosed on the filling line of the day tank or storage tank by means of a simple dosing pump. Disaggregate heavy fractions of the fuel oil to improve volatilization. In the storage tank, the heavy asphaltene chains are broken up, reducing the formation of sludge and sedimentation in the tank.

The additive includes sludge dispersing solvents and water emulsifiers

In addition, PentoMag® 4450 includes sludge dispersing solvents to stabilize the fuel, keep tanks and tank trucks free from sludge deposits and prevent the formation of sludge on the injection pumps and nozzles.

Increasing the net calorific value

As shown in the pictures above, a more stable fuel means that less fuel is absorbed in the separator, while maintaining the function of the separator to absorb sediments and solids.

Increasing the net calorific value

Reducing the amount of sludge disposed has a variety of advantages: 1.) It reduces the total fuel oil consumption. Typically 10% of the fuel is absorbed in the separators, whereof approx. half of it can easily be used as proper fuel. This fuel oil saving is considerable and typically pays the whole fuel oil treatment and more! The volume of sludge produced is reduced by about 50%. This is a further cost reduction to the plant and a heavy reduction in handling and processing of sludge.


The combustion catalysts main task is to reduce the emission of unburned carbon. With a higher amount of asphaltenes and heavy fractions of the fuel ending up in the gas turbine, this is very important to keep the combustion inside the gas turbine clean and the stack free of a black cloud.

PentoMag® 4450 contains catalyst that reduce the activation energy required for combustion of the fuel. Atomized fuel will burn faster and the amount of unburned carbon in the emission is reduced by >50%. This reduces fouling in the gas turbine itself but also in the recovery boiler and creates a visible reduction of solid emission on the stack.

As the total dust load carried through the gas turbine is reduced, the time required for cleaning deposits is reduced as well.

Dosing Skid

Even though the ash load has been reduced by half, one problem remains: The melting point of vanadium contained in the fuel is too low and leads to deposits on the blades of the gas turbine. PentoMag 4450 contains magnesium that is modifying the fusion point of these combustion residuals.
  • Sodium, Vanadium and Sulfur compounds can form molten deposits on turbine blades and heat pipes in recovery boiler.
  • At low temperatures, sulfuric acid is formed, ash particles stick to cool surfaces and build up deposits.
  • PentoMag 4450 prevents formation of these deposits, extending lifetime of all parts.
  • The corrosion inhibitor is a magnesium compound, increasing the pH of the fly ash above 6.
  • Compared to traditional magnesium based additives, PentoMag 4450 can be used at a lower Mg:V rate.

Traditionally, a 3:1 Mg:V ratio is used to have an over-stochiometric ratio. Because PentoMag 4450 reduces solid emission in the gas turbine by more than 50%, less potential partners for the magnesium are available and the necessity of an over-stoichiometric injection is strongly reduced.

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