Radhika Engineers

Radhika Engineers

- Biomedical Waste Incinerator


The disposal of medical waste is based on the principal of incineration of the waste so as to destroy any degradable and infectious material and reduce it volume and mass without producing any type of pollution.


The Biomedical Waste incinerator and Medical waste incinerator is one of the treatment and safe disposal of the bio-medical waste generated from the hospitals, veterinary facilities, medical research facilities etc.

These wastes include both infectious medical wastes as well as non-infectious, general housekeeping wastes. Bio-medical incinerator is equipped with necessary air pollution control devices (APCD) for removal of pollutants from flue gases to achieve desired level. The flue gases are cleaned for removal of pollutants and gaseous compounds by passing through various air pollution control devices (APCD) before releasing them into the atmosphere through stacks filter are provided to make incinerator complete pollution free, smoke, colorless Treated, odorless treated.

Following design criteria adopted for better performance: The bio-medical waste incineration is designed for primary and secondary combustion systems. Total Organic carbon content in the slag/bottom ash is less than 1% or their loss on ignition is less than 3% of the dry weight as prescribed. The double chamber incinerator is preferably be designed on “controlled-air” incineration principle, as particulate matter emission is low in such incinerator. Air supply in the primary and secondary Chamber may be regulated between 30%-80% and 170%-120% of stiochiometric requirement respectively.

In primary chamber, primary air is admitted near. Suitable flow measurement device is provided on the primary and secondary air ducting. The combustion air is supplied through a separate forced draft fan after accounting for the air supplied through burners. The primary chamber is to avoid leakage of gaseous emissions from the chamber and for safety reasons.

The secondary chamber is properly designed so as to facilitate a minimum of two seconds residence time to ensure combustion of the gas flow, unburnt material such as volatiles, smoke and soot. For the estimation of residence time in the secondary chamber its volume calculated starting from the secondary burner tip to the thermocouple. Incinerator walls are protected with insulated fire bricks/refractory system. The refractory lining of the chamber is strong enough to sustain thermal shocks i.e. minimum temperature 1000° C in the primary chamber and upto 1450°C in the secondary chamber. The refractory & insulation brick is have suitable thickness.

The flue gases from the secondary chamber are usually vented to the atmosphere through a refractory-lined flue. They are at a very high temperature, and interest in recovering this thermal energy e.g. for space heating of the funeral chapel, or other facilities or for distribution into local district heating networks has arisen in recent years. Such heat recovery efforts have been viewed in both a positive and negative light by the public.
In addition, filtration systems (bag houses) are being applied to crematories in many countries. Activated carbon adsorption is being considered for mercury abatement (as a result of dental amalgam). Much of this technology is borrowed from the waste incineration industry on a scaled-down basis. With the rise in the use of cremation in Western nations where amalgam has been used liberally in dental restorations, mercury has been a growing concern.

A venturi scrubber is designed to effectively use the energy from the inlet gas stream to atomize the liquid being used to scrub the gas stream. This type of technology is a part of the group of air pollution controls collectively referred to as wet scrubbers.

Induced draft fans or ID fans are used in systems such as steam boilers and thermal oil heaters to draw out and remove flue gases from combustion chambers, by creating a vacuum of negative air pressure.

30 meter chimney with structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of which a draft is created. the part of such a structure that rises above a roof.

The design is based on the guidelines set by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)-India and normally adopted by military installation all over the country and worldwide. The Efficient power is supplied by electricity as well as oil burners for larger installation.

The incinerator combustion chamber is designed for easy maintenance of all internal parts including refractory and isolation.


  • Combustion efficiency 99%.
  • Combustion Chamber : Dual Chamber.
  • Temperature of primary chamber is up to 1000°C and the secondary chamber is up to 1450°C.
  • The secondary chamber gas residence time at is two seconds.
  • Power Requirement: Diesel, Electrical.
  • High Temperature Refractory Lining
  • Automatic Ignition On/Off Burner
  • Virtually Smoke & Smell Free with Secondary Burners
  • Quick Heat up and less Operation time
  • Trouble free operation and maintenance
  • Digital Control Penal Provided.