Radhika Engineers

Radhika Engineers

- PPE Kits and Mask Incinerator



Our incinerators are manufactured utilizing high standards of technology that have been developed through many years of experience in building high quality, economical and reliable incinerators. Our incinerator is designed that provide outstanding performance and have an exceptional lifespan. Our incinerator are a equipped with fully automatic control system. Our incinerator utilizes the two chamber approaches that insures full combustion of waste in control parameters. Incinerator is available with Air Pollution Controlling Devices which enable us to remove all toxics gases from the emission and meet the air emission standards.


The incinerator which is used for instant disposal of used PPE kits, napkins, surgical mask in a very scientific and hygienic way. It is specially designed to destroy the used hygiene products in a user friendly and convenient way. It is the best solution for destroying all types of napkin, mask and PPE KITS converting it to sterile ash. It’s Automatic and Works on Domestic Electrical Supply. It is Idle for PPE Kits, Sanitary Napkin Disposal mask, & Small Clinical Waste. Our System for Disposal is Eco- friendly, Helps to Avoid Drainage Line Chock-ups, infections and has Very easy & Safe Operation.

Key Features

  • Robust construction.
  • High temperature refectory lining.
  • Quick heat up time and less operational time.
  • Easy to install.
  • Trouble free operation and maintenance.
  • Three power source available-Oil, Electricity, Gas.
  • Time bound completion of orders.
  • Design with Central Pollution Control Broad (CPCB) norms.
  • Available with or without Air Pollution Controlling Devices(APCD).

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