Gasification Services
based in USA
Gasification is a process that converts organic or fossil based carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Pyrolysis and gasification are related processes differing mostly in temperature and process reactants with gasification conducted at significantly higher temperatures than pyrolysis (1000⁰C to ...
by GEP Energybased in TURKEY
Point of use may include use in boilers and combined heat and power systems (CHP). The GEP Energy"s gasification is designed to accept a broad range of organic waste consistencies. Inorganic compounds are removed during gasification as part of the cleanup process. The system has a number of advantages for use in advanced biomass power systems, including reduced ...
based in AUSTRIA
Description of the biomass CHP technology based on biomass gasification The objective of the thermo-chemical biomass gasification process is the best possible conversion of solid biomass fuels into a high calorific product gas. Thereby, biomass reacts with a fumigator (air, oxygen, steam or CO2), which provide oxygen for the process. ...
based in USA
WRI is pioneering coal combustion and gasification technologies for integrated, ultra-clean power plants. The technologies will provide the flexibility to produce 'opportunity' products, including clean transportation fuels, high-value chemicals, synthesis gas, and hydrogen in concurrence with the U.S. ...
based in USA
Spinning straw into gold is close to reality for some farmers pursuing alternative energy to support their operations. Converting biomass to energy is an obvious solution for farmers who have resources such as crop salvage readily available to fuel their power needs. In the Pacific Northwest, grass seed farmers are annually left with more than one million tons of straw from which they realize ...
based in CANADA
.; in a gas turbine or gas engine, to produce electricity; Under relatively low-oxygen conditions, biomass is typically heated in a gasification chamber; critically, there is no combustion involved in the process. This allows the decomposition of biomass into its various compounds, and the subsequent formation of syngas. ...
Manufactured by Xylowatt S.A., A Part of Xylergybased in BELGIUM
Our Operation & Maintenance contracts are flexible and cover all aspects and activities necessary to run your gasification plant in a safe and economical ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Transforming Waste into Energy with Biomass Gasification Discover the potential of biomass pellets as a clean and renewable feedstock for gasification processes, as SERVODAY pioneers innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies to unlock the power of biomass gasification for energy production, syngas generation, and biofuel synthesis. ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Transforming Waste into Energy with Gasification Explore the integration of biomass pellets into gasification plants for clean and efficient energy production. SERVODAY elucidates the gasification process, highlighting its potential for converting biomass waste into valuable syngas for power generation, industrial applications, and biofuel ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Advancing Gasification Technology with Biomass Pellets Discover the transformative potential of biomass pellet utilization in gasification plants as SERVODAY pioneers innovative approaches to biomass gasification, leveraging clean, renewable biomass fuels to produce syngas for various industrial applications. ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Transforming Gasification with Sustainable Biomass Solutions Explore the innovative applications of biomass pellets in gasification plants as SERVODAY revolutionizes gasification technology with clean, renewable biomass fuels. Discover how SERVODAY's advanced gasification systems, integrated biomass handling solutions, and ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Advancing Energy Production with Biomass Gasification Technology Explore the integration of biomass pellets in gasification plants to produce syngas, biofuels, and renewable chemicals, facilitated by SERVODAY's cutting-edge biomass gasification technology. Learn about the principles of biomass gasification, including ...
Manufactured by Servoday Groupbased in INDIA
Transforming Biomass into Renewable Syngas for Power Generation Delve into the world of biomass pellet gasification plants and their pivotal role in producing clean and efficient energy from renewable biomass resources. Explore the gasification process, from feedstock preparation to syngas production, and learn how SERVODAY's advanced ...
based in USA
WRI's thermochemical processes for converting feedstock to liquid fuel are related to Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis and offer significant gains in efficiency over other conversion methods. WRI’s proprietary process converts carbonaceous feedstock to synthesis gas, which is then converted to ethanol and other higher alcohols using a proprietary WRI catalyst. Catalysts used in the ...
Manufactured by CV Wirajasa Teknik Industribased in INDONESIA
Apart from installation of particular equipment at factory or plant, we also offer interested parties to build a complete production line. Our portfolio include synthetic asphalt production plant and many others. Our technology has been proven and one commercial scale plant has been constructed in Sidoarjo, East Java. Our product is bitumen emulsion of PEN 60/70 grade. Raw materials include ...
Manufactured by EQTEC PLC and Groupbased in SPAIN
EQTEC’s engineers have worked on gasification since the 1990s. EQTEC’s engineering team currently includes four PhDs in chemical engineering, with specialisms in gasification. CTO and inventor Dr Yoel S. Alemán Méndez started working professionally with gasification in 1997. ...
Manufactured by SCFI Gr Limitedbased in IRELAND
Feasibility Studies ...
based in USA
100% Financing. Own storage. Good for random services. Re-Gasification at client ...
Xylergy operates and maintains the gasification plants in order to accompany you with the best performance throughout the operation of your ...
based in GERMANY
For the CCG gasification process for synthesis gas generation, there exist numerous possible applications, both on the raw-material side, as well as in case of the commercial use of the product gas. We provide you with advisory support, beginning with initial common basic principle considerations and extending to studies tailored to your specific ...
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