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Thermal Energy Services

82 services found
  • based in INDIA

    Areas covered under Thermal Audit are: Steam generation boilers. Steam audit and conversation. Steam trap survey. Condensate recovery system. Insulation survey. Energy and material balance for unit operation. Heat exchanger. Waste heat recovery ...

  • based in SERBIA

    We provide comprehensive consulting services and sound engineering solutions to the planning, designing and operating of Power Plants, Cogeneration and District Heating systems. We also deal with Energy Efficiency improvements in buildings, industry and the municipal services ...

  • based in CANADA

    Thermal Energy has developed a proven record of excellence in high-end project delivery and engineering services and specialized design know-how covering a wide variety of complementary industrial processes, environmental and energy conservation technologies. ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    During implementation phase of a power plant project we offer full selection of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management services (EPCM Services). The effective project start up is one of the key topics in our project services. This will be taken care of by setting up the comprehensive administrative project documentation, including Project Manual consisting of project plan, site plan ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Our services cover thermal power generation in the field of Operation and Maintenance. We can support you throughout the entire operating period of the power plant. Our range of services include: Setting up Business Management systems, Optimization of the organization structure, Recruitment of personnel, Training of personnel, Design review from the point of view of O&M, QC ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Our proximity to the market coupled with broad-based expertise means that our clients can benefit from full-service solutions not only when making substantial investments in new plant and major rebuilds, but also for smaller additions and modifications to existing ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    ÅF provides project engineering consulting services in the fields of automation, industrial IT, software development, power systems and electrical ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    ÅF has extensive knowledge in all issues regarding District Heating/District Cooling and offer unique solutions with assistance in all phases, from the feasibility stage to accomplish small and large projects. We are experts in: Energy Market Analyses, Feasibility study, Basic- and Detail design, Procurement, Commissioning, Operation ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Our worldwide known experts having comprehensive expertise in energy technologies and engineering are at our service. We support you in various tasks as in conceptual design, efficiency improvement, optimization, QA/QC issues, inspections, troubleshooting and training in assignments related to technologies and fields like: Innovative energy solutions and new ...

  • based in BELGIUM

    Tractebel Engineering has been selected as Owners Engineer for the construction of the 120MW cogeneration plant of Siam Pure Rice cogeneration. Tractebel Engineering will provide the plant conceptual design, EPC tender service, evaluation and selection, design review, project management and construction ...

  • based in BELGIUM

    The Phoenix project consists in the renovation of units 2 to 7 of GSEP coal fired power plant in Polaniec. The renovation of each unit consisted in: renovation of the boiler (replacement of the pressure parts), installation of a DeNox system and renovation of the steam turbine, generator and some ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    Within the Company is an established and strong track record for the development of projects in the DACH economic region, as well as ...

  • In order to meet the European goal of producing 20% of the region"s energy from renewable energy sources by 2020, Séché Environnement has pledged its full support and pursued this goal by recovering energy potential from waste. Tailoring waste handling tools allows the energy released during the degradation of ...

  • Manufactured by KUBIK Prod Com SRL
    based in ROMANIA

    The total reduction of greenhouse gases has not only become a target for every thermal energy producer, but also an important obligation. At the same time, for these thermal energy producers that have the possibility to reduce these emissions under their allocations, the emission savings of greenhouse gases becomes a business ...

  • Manufactured by Green Thermal Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Green Thermal Energy provide a complete service from design to completion. Our experienced design teams consider the technical & budgetary requirements of each project in order to produce a system design that meets the performance and environmental demands of each particular application. ...

  • Manufactured by Kpower Co., Ltd.
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    With stable, continuous, and high-quality thermal energy (steam, heat medium) supply and management service, flexibility in supply pricing is secured, and at the same time, in response to the Vietnam government’s climate change agreement and coal-free policy. Based on long-term relationships with customers, stable, sustainable growth and business expansion ...

  • based in SPAIN

    Our technologists develop patented thermal energy storage solutions. We participate in the whole product development value chain: from applied industrial R&D for sensible and latent thermal energy storage solutions, to the development of high-temperature heat pumps, high efficiency heaters, and materials for industrial ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Through the feasibility study our teams of engineers accompany our customers in their biogas project design through several steps : study of organic waste layer, detailed design of a preliminary draft of biogas installation , key components of the digesters dimensioning and operation of the future digester. The feasibility study that Naskeo develops has mainly 5 objectives which can help you ...

  • Manufactured by SludgeDryingSystems
    based in GERMANY

    With our machines, you can achieve significant energy savings. Up to 90% lower energy consumption and up to 50% lower thermal energy consumption compared to conventional dryers. This not only leads to cost savings but also to a reduced environmental ...

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