Energy Services In Australasia
based in ICELAND
Jarðboranir hf. (Iceland Drilling Company (IDC)) has extensive experience of undertaking geothermal drilling projects in a challenging remote and isolated location. IDC engineering and management team is having decades of experience in the field of high temperature drilling in Iceland and internationally and have in many occasions offered integrated drilling service such as in Iceland, ...
Distributed by Nu Energybased in AUSTRALIA
Going solar is a great way to relieve pressure on your household budget as it saves you money through two mechanisms. Firstly you will be consuming electricity that your solar system generates during the day within you’re home. Secondly, your system will also feed any excess electricity that you are not using back into the grid. This means that you will be purchasing less electricity and ...
Manufactured by Aqualyngbased in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Aqualyng ICES provides quality, performance optimisation and scheduled maintenance programs for its clients Water Treatment and Boiler Chemistry plants to ensure the water system can operate efficiently, consistently and meets the required standards without any loss of production. Our Operation & Maintenance services are focused on reducing operating costs and improving plant reliability. Our ...
based in USA
Hydrothermal exploration — Describe geothermal field with multiple & independent measurements. Lake mapping — Map with sonar & seismic surveys, locate seismic events; sample chemical, biological & physical materials. Fracture analyses — Map fluid pathways for well placement, ...
Manufactured by CAP-XX Ltdbased in AUSTRALIA
Batteries are often used to supply units that are autonomously powered, from utility meters to key fobs and IoT wearables. These applications often have peak power needs can only be met with a ...
Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltdbased in AUSTRALIA
Eneraque openly offers engineering support to engineers and consultants working on projects that include power generation systems; to allow them access to focused knowledge in the Power Generation sector, and design assistance. ...
Manufactured by Agilent Technologies, Inc.based in USA
PSS performs on-site preventive maintenance on your instrument to maximize uptime and extend instrument life. PSS uses predefined checklists of preventive maintenance procedures under GPC/SEC conditions for consistent service from laboratory to ...
Manufactured by BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KGbased in GERMANY
BEUMER Group technical expertise is available in all locations worldwide and our team can provide advice on energy saving measures and system improvement, as well as remote support, stand-by and on-site support, especially during peak times when system uptime is most ...
Manufactured by Tandex Pty Ltdbased in AUSTRALIA
Compliance that Simply Makes Sense: Your annual audit or boiler inspection is less stressful with Tandex. Our obligation is to make you aware of your obligations in operating your plant equipment. We will walk you through the minefield of compliance with a common-sense approach to achieve a value for money ...
by juwi AGbased in GERMANY
Our complete service package of technical and commercial as well as maintenance services secures optimal yields and best returns for wind and solar energy ...
by Parasynbased in AUSTRALIA
Assess and document software, hardware, electrical systems and design. Measure and analyse performance. This may be part of our Managed Services framework, form part of a formal project deliverable or an important FEED activity for consultancy. Subject Matter Experts are selected to review audit results and to develop actionable activities which are explained in terms of business and operational ...
based in AUSTRALIA
You have heard about the financial and environmental benefits of solar, so you’re thinking it’s time you made the switch on your home. Deionno Electrical supplies and installs the highest quality solar products for homeowners across South Australia. Our process is unrivalled, with our team taking the time to sit down with you and learn about your energy usage, budget, and needs. From ...
Manufactured by Nu-way Enertech Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
We service, Install and Commission. The efficiency and reliability of your burner and therefore your heating system are, in many cases, business critical. It is recommended that all gas burners are serviced at least annually, with oil burners bi-annually. Service contracts provide the opportunity for preventative maintenance to be carried out prior to a possible breakdown. Maintaining optimum ...
Manufactured by KYOCERA Corporationbased in JAPAN
The solar inverter is an important link between the PV generator and the alternating current grid or consumer. It converts the direct voltage of the solar modules into alternating voltage and feeds the energy into the public grid or delivers it to local domestic ...
Manufactured by PEAK Scientific Instruments Ltdbased in UNITED KINGDOM
As with all machinery, maintenance will be required to keep your generator, and indeed your analysis, operating at its best. Supported Maintenance from Peak Scientific is a cost-effective service designed for sites with the resource to perform their own generator maintenance. ...
Manufactured by Carmanah Technologies Corporationbased in CANADA
Carmanah's Project Managers hold PMP certifications and adhere to the industry's highest standards and methodology endorced by the Project Management Institute. Our team of professionals have more than 40 years of experience in the construction industry and will guide your project through the developlment stages to the final ...
based in USA
Itasca’s unconventional oil and gas services focus on hydraulic fracturing simulation, including: Optimize Stimulation Design, height growth, injection rate and volume, fluid type, additives, and diverters, proppant ...
based in USA
In addition to hydroelectric dams, Itasca has worked on hydroelectric power plants including a pumped storage plant in Israel (Gavet) and hydropower stations in China (Baihetan, JinPing), India, and Colombia (Guavio and Sogamoso). Engineering analyses include site characterization, review of in-situ stress measurements, ground support evaluation and recommendation, excavation stability of ...
based in USA
As interest in wind power continues to grow, so too has the scale and complexity of wind turbines and their towers, making soil-structure interaction, structural dynamics, and frequency response increasingly important. Numerical simulation is well-suited to capture the behavior of existing and novel designs for these large structures, in a variety of ground conditions – including offshore, ...
Distributed by Eco Wattbased in AUSTRALIA
Sustainability is about making sure that our actions today do not impact, limit or reduce the options and standard of living for the future. When a process is sustainable, it can be carried out over and over without negative environmental, social and economical effects. Having a sustainable environment is not just fundamental for the continuation of life on Earth but also for businesses looking ...
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