ETAP - Contingency Analysis (CA) Software
From Network Analysis
ETAP Contingency Analysis (CA) allows users to define component outage and failure scenarios. From the user-defined scenarios, system N-1 and N-2 contingencies are studied. ETAP contingency analysis employs a fast screening or ranking algorithm to select a ranked contingency list for detailed studies.
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Contingency Analysis Capabilities
- N-1 and N-2 contingency assessment and ranking
- Fast screening method to scan outage list and identify higher risk contingencies for further evaluation
- Multiple graphical outage lists
- Ability to compare contingency load flow with base load flow via graphical interface
Performance Indices
- Bus voltage security
- Reactive power flow change index
- Branch overloading index
- Real power flow change
Contingency Analyzer
- Complete load flow
- Interrupted generation power loss
- Interrupted customer power loss
- Interrupted number of customers
- Interrupted power lost cost
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